An {Exhausted} Sound Bytes of the Week

Between the time change, work projects bombarding me and being a March Madness widow, I’m EXHAUSTED.

Yep, that is week’s theme.

Put a fork in me I’m done, and ready for the weekend. I’m theorizing here, but I think it will be a safe bet that I’ll sporting PJs all day tomorrow too, but you never know…things have a way of changing in a blink.

PJ Day

Like yesterday’s fiasco of having to cancel E’s therapy appointment due to work obligations, or having to sacrifice time on my weekends lately to go into the office. And lest not forget my ONE day to spend with E over spring break has now turned into a partial workday.

I want to be angry at some one, but in realty there’s no one to be mad at. It’s no one’s fault that’s just the hand I’ve been dealt. So, I’ll vent a bit and be bitter for awhile, but I’ll pull on my big girl pants and suck it up, because that’s what working moms do. We just make it work, no matter what, and I’ll keep track of my work time, so that one day when it’s warm and sunny I’ll scoot out of the office early and get the boys for some playtime downtown. One way or another I’ll make it up to them.

But this weekend, we will rest. The kiddos have had a tough week too. Coping with the time change and my absence. E had great days all the way till yesterday, when life hit the fan and he broke. Hitting and yelling, reverting back to his old ways, and I can’t help but think it’s because I had to cancel his therapy appointment.  {add that to my mommy guilt}.

But through the chaos, the bitterness and exhaustion we were able to find some giggles, smiles and Sound Bytes.

3. “Picture day is a lot of hustle and bustle … like the subway.”

E has never been on a subway or even seen one, but he nailed this analogy. Can we say future writer?


G HATES the vacuum, so if we try to play a game like run from the shark it makes it more enjoyable. And yet he loves to vacuum … crazy kiddo.



1. “Hi G how are you?”

I was a little poopy too {mood-wise}, but I think G was literally poopy.

I’m off to tackle the last official workday, and try to enjoy my weekend even with a little work thrown in. It’s supposed to be “warm” {I use the term loosely as a warm day in March in Iowa means 40 degrees}.

While I bathed in last weekend’s rain drops I’m hoping this weekend I can soak up some sun.

2013-02-13 07.12.46

Have a fabulous weekend.

What did your kids say this week?

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