Oh Universe I hear you!
After two days of feeling like crap, I finally felt like myself today. I think it helped that I granted myself some grace yesterday.
Balance has been difficult lately. I’ve been feeling tons of pressure in our business. Trying to keep up with the Jones’s so to speak.
Let me give you a tip. If you keep chasing other people, your never going to be happy because you’ve lost yourself in other people’s shit.
It’s time to just concentrate on me, my business, and my family. I have nothing to prove.
So I move forward. Keep my balance on this precarious ledge of uncertainty.
What does forward look like?
For me, it looks like doing what I can right now in our business to ensure our client’s success. At home, it looks like smiles, laughter, hugs, and quality time. It looks like taking mental health breaks so I don’t lose my balance and crash.
What does balance look like for you?
Whatever it looks like grant yourself grace because there are no rules that say you need to hustle during a pandemic. Sometimes it’s ok to go at your own pace and keep your balance.
“Life is a balance between holding on and letting go.”
Wash your hands, wear your mask, social distance, be kind to one another and survive (physically and economically) to build a better world. ❤️
Another day another horrible headache. I was awake most of the night and woke up a bit this morning only to go back to sleep around 10 and slept till noon. At which point I said screw it and took a mental health day.
I decorated cookies with a kid, helped a kid clean his room, chatted with a neighbor 6 feet apart outside, and took some “me” time while watching Ozark.
I’m praying these headaches are going to subside for a bit with the turn of the weather (fingers crossed)
I was supposed to have my “nose job” this month so these headaches would be gone forever. Unfortunately, a pandemic put that on hold. It’s going to be the first thing I’ll do once this is over after I get my hair done of course.
I’ve been mourning the things that have to rescheduled and postponed due to this 💩 show. My nose job, my This is My Brave Production, both boy’s birthdays, summer vacation, and more…
What events are you mourning?
Speaking of events, Easter is Sunday and we are going to make the most of it. And on Tuesday Edison turns 13 😮 I’m trying to find a creative way to celebrate 🎉
So, we close another day. Sending sweet dreams to you all without headaches or hot flashes.
Wash your hands, wear your mask, social distance, be kind to one another and survive (physically and economically) to build a better world. ❤️
Current mood – fuck this shit!
Ok sorry, I’ll try to be more positive.
I’m absolutely positively over this shit.
Ok, ok…here’s the deal I felt like crap today. A weather change combined with yard work gave me THE WORST sinus headache. Oh yeah and was coughing. 🙄 Having seasonal allergies during a pandemic isn’t cool.
It took me until almost 2 pm to start feeling better. I lost most of the day, and now at almost 9 pm, I’m wide awake. Gah….
It’s been a challenge to say the least.
Another challenge timing. Are you more productive in the morning or the evening?
I’m typically a morning person, but lately, that has changed. Between sleeping in and the kids needing more guidance with school work my mornings are no longer my own. I’m finding I really don’t start “working” until almost noon and then work till 5 or 6. I HATE IT. I can’t be creative, I’m always tired and I blah.
If anyone has suggestions I’m all ears.
“Tits up. Tomorrow is a new day. “
Wash your hands, wear your mask, social distance, be kind to one another and survive (physically and economically) to build a better world. ❤️