Our neighbors are better than yours. They ding dong ditch and leave the best banana cake. Fun fact this is the same cake they dropped off when we first moved into our house 7 years ago. .
We have been so lucky to have them in our life. They help us with chauffeuring kiddos, they are great Bunco partners and we consider them family.
In the time of social distancing these connections mean so much more and I’m so grateful for every single one. Even today I had a great convo with the most inspiring and empowering woman. I left the Zoom call feeling like I could accomplish anything 💪🏻 🙌🏻
Today’s adventure included more self-care than cookies (which is good) I even got outside and did a little Pokemon hunting with the tween. He actually let me walk with him instead of six feet behind him 🤣
So who in your life are you grateful for? Whoever it is, take a moment and thank them, because a pandemic is a great time to “virtually” hug those people tighter. 🤗
“A day without a friend is like a pot without a single drop of honey left inside.”
Winnie the Pooh
Wash your hands, wear your mask, social distance, be kind to one another and survive (physically and economically) to build a better world. ❤️
Sometimes my day feels like a “Choose Your Own Adventure” Book and today I chose poorly.
I didn’t work out, hell I didn’t even walk the dog 🙄 I had cookies for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I didn’t even step outside. And I sat at my computer for WAY too long.
Now I feel icky. A bit owly and antsy. Note to self you thrive better with good food, moving your body, and getting your ass outside.
So today I grant myself grace and do better tomorrow. ❤️
What adventures did you choose today?
Wash your hands, wear your mask, social distance, be kind to one another and survive (physically and economically) to build a better world. ❤️
Another gorgeous sunny day means another day full of productivity and smiles. 😃
Little Red slept through the night and it was magical. I slept straight through until my alarm went off at 6 am. Ahhhh sweet, sweet sleep. It makes everything better.
I tried a mid-morning run and it was a flop. I really perform much better in the early morning. I attribute it to my brain not being awake. I’m just glad I’m still getting after it.
It would be so easy to just give up, and stop hitting the “gym”. However, at this point, it’s more about mental health than physical health.
What are you doing for your mental health?
Even little things can make a big difference, like a drive-thru latte, a bouquet of flowers, a zoom chat with a friend, a TikTok dance session, binge-watching Tiger King, making chalk hearts on the driveway, or chilling with your 4-legged fur baby.
My challenge to you this week is to do something for you! ❤️
If you or someone you love is struggling with their mental health please contact the Crisis Center or reach out for help. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again…we are in this together and we are stronger together. ❤️ 💪🏻
“And the people separated in order to come together.”
Wash your hands, wear your mask, social distance, be kind to one another and survive (physically and economically) to build a better world. ❤️