In the BC era {that’s Before Children} I was in the fashion inner circle. Trying new trends, buying my clothes somewhere other than Target and I was regular to the mall every Saturday.
Once I became a mom things changed.
My body changed, which meant I couldn’t squeeze into Junior sizes anymore, plus I just looked like an old lady wearing my babysitter’s clothes. After a feeble attempt at lugging two screaming boys, the stroller and all their gear to the mall I was too tired to even shop.
With that being said my options for clothing were limited to picking up a sweater or two at Target {without trying it on}, as I picked up milk and diapers.
Eventually I dubbed this as effortless mom style {aka I don’t have the time, money or energy to care style}.
This was all fine and dandy until one day I looked in mirror and realized I was a feminine version of a sweat pant wearing George Costanza. Yikes…
I lost the baby weight, finally got everyone {including myself} to sleep through the night and started to rediscover MY style.
But what was MY style?
I had no idea how to dress myself again.
At what point did it become ok to wear brown and black TOGETHER?
What is with the scarf trend and how the heck do I tie one?
Florals with stripes oh the humanity…
I was clueless. What I needed was my own personal stylist. But since I’m not Beyonce’ or independently wealthy that wasn’t an option. Until…
I met Stitch Fix.
What is Stitch Fix?
It’s a clothing subscription service. Here’s how it works…
1. Complete your style profile.
They ask what type of style you wear or would like to wear more {ie: Bohemian, Trendy, Work, Casual, Glam, et.}, sizing and you can even link to your fashion Pinterest Board.
2. Each month you will receive a box with FIVE hand picked items.
Which can include skirts, pants, shirts, sweaters, handbags, jewelry, scarves and outwear.
3. Keep what you like and send back the rest.
There is a monthly $20 “styling” fee, which is applied to what you keep from your fix. Keep everything and receive 25% your entire purchase. Returns are FREE and Stitch Fix includes a postal bag to send everything back.
It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3…
I was apprehensive at first.
Mostly because of the price, but I found that the items I’m being sent are unique. They aren’t your average errand-running fashions, so I’m willing to pay more. PLUS, I found that since I’m not at the mall wandering around shopping for clothes all the time I’m ACTUALLY saving money.
As for what I’ve received in my fix.
There have been a couple of fix flops {too small, not the right style, etc.} But overall, the stylists do a fabulous job. What I found interesting is that with each fix you receive the next one gets better. It’s all because when you pick what to keep and what return they give you the option to include comments like “it was way too big” or “I just can’t wear a style like this”.
There’s also a place for notes. So if you have an event coming up and need something special or you are looking for a specific style or piece let them know and they will do their best to accommodate your requests.
Personally I’m in L-O-V-E with the style cards they send for each item. Each card gives two ways to style your item and they even include sweet notes from the stylist.
I’ve been getting my fix for over a year now. It’s amazing how much my wardrobe has changed and my attitude. I feel stylish, put together and I no longer stand in my closet wondering what to wear. Instead, I can’t wait to get dressed in the morning.
Are you ready to find your style and get fixed?
Click here to get started!
*I wasn’t compensated for this post. However, it does include affiliate links that will help support my fix habit.
What a great idea, this would be perfect for my fashion-challenged self.
Jessica you should totally do it. It truly has been a game changer for me in terms of fashion. I had completely lost my sense of style and this gave it back to me, I feel like me again.