Under the soft glow of the Christmas tree there they lay. Boxes of various sizes wrapped in Santa paper, his jolly face smack dab in the middle of swirling ribbons, which covered his hair making it look green instead of white like the snow. I made my way slowly over to the bounty of gifts. Tip toeing on little barefoot feet so as not to arouse suspicions. It wasn’t time yet, but I was so excited. I just wanted to see one. One shiny box that was mine, touch it, feel it, shake it.
Finally, I spot one, a tiny package carefully wrapped and full of ribbons. “You can open one tonight,” said my mom. “Then you need to save the rest till tomorrow.” Without hesitation I snapped the ribbons and ripped Santa’s face in two.
Ironically, I don’t remember what was in the box. Probably a pair of earrings or a necklace, but I DO remember that feeling.
You know the feeling of being special enough that someone would want to give you a gift. I also remember the next day, when I was so excited to give my mom her gift that I didn’t even care about my own.
There’s some special about giving and receiving gifts, it makes my heart sing. One of the five love languages is gift giving, it’s a way we show each other we care.
Unfortunately, now that I’m 40 I guess gift giving is a faux pas. “Oh, consumerism is running rampant. We must stop this mindless gift giving.” Whoa fella slow down…my gift giving isn’t mindless. I solicit lists, and spend painstaking hours finding THE gift to ensure my recipient’s heart will melt upon first sight. I want to see tears people!
But alas, this year a lot of our gift giving is falling by the wayside. “Let’s just do the kids,” my family laments, “because Christmas and gifts are more for the kids than adults anyway.”
Oh, no it’s not.
I spend all year thinking of things to put on my list. Yes, I have a list. A running list that I add items to throughout the year.
Not because I’m greedy, but because I spend the money we have on groceries, toilet paper and diapers instead of that cute sweater from LOFT. There are items on the list I’d NEVER buy for myself, like cozy PJs or sheets. Heck the last time I bought sheets was three years ago and that’s only because there were holes in them.
We aren’t poverty stricken or anything it’s just I can’t justify spending money on those things. It seems extravagant. So I just save them for my Christmas list.
I’ve gotten the stink-eye from relatives about the list. Shaming me and poking fun by giving me their lists with items like a new house, or a million dollars. HA, hilarious…
I make the list because otherwise I’ll end up with a random giftcard to a random place that we don’t even have here in Iowa {yes that happened}.
Some crazy people have suggested that gifts are fine, but “let’s do something handmade or homemade.” Ummmm, yeah…I am NOT the person to handmake or bake anything so your gift will still be coming from a mall or most likely Target because I’ll have to buy diapers and toilet paper while getting your meaningful gift.
Here’s the deal, I want to feel that excitement of opening gifts just as much as my six-year-old {why do you think I “help” him open gifts} It’s not even what’s inside that matters in fact, you could wrap said box of diapers and toilet paper, pop it under the tree. I’d be as excited as I was that Christmas morning, because you thought enough of me to save me a trip to Target {even though I love their popcorn}, so I can sit on my butt and watch Glee.
This year before you send out that email telling the family to nix the gifts this year or give someone crap over their Christmas list, maybe rethink the gift giving. Remember the TRUE meaning of gifting isn’t about the gift so much as it is about making someone feel special. Once you see the smile on their face you might feel special too.
THANK YOU for saying exactly what I’ve been thinking!!! I get so frustrated with the fact that my husband’s family has completely resorted to nothing but cash for the kids. The adults don’t do gifts at all, so our Christmas is spent with each kid opening a stack of envelopes (saying “Thanks aunt-so-and-so for the $20” and then it’s time for evryone to go home. I hate it.
Nowadays, the only gifts my husband and I get is from my parents. That’s it. Our kids will buy us something, but it’s just something we usually pay for anyways. My husband and I don’t exchange gifts, but if we do, it’s something small.
Buying someone a Christmas they want and love isn’t greedy, and it isn’t consumerism rearing it’s ugly head. Like you said, it’s just the spirit of giving and doing something nice for those that matter most to us.
Sincerelyj, Jenni recently posted..Less of This, More of That