Hello sunshine ☀️ Finally!
The Force was strong today. I started my morning with a group of kickass women entrepreneurs. We talked honestly about our emotions and our businesses during this crazy time. It was uplifting and empowering (pun intended) 💪🏻
Our homeschooling game was strong today. Thank you St. Louis Aquarium for your virtual otter experience. It made my son’s day. He even took it upon himself to work on his reading packet today.
I call that winning. 🙌🏻

In other news, politics have taken center stage in this pandemic.
I know I post too much political stuff, I know many of you think it’s annoying. However, it is my form of activism. When I have friends from other countries message me that they are concerned for my family because of the choices our President is making, THAT is cause for concern.
We had our first COVID-19 death today and on the same day, the President announced that the Pandemic is no big deal and we need this to be over by Easter. NOPE … This will be a death sentence for many Americans. Please contact your state representatives to have them enact a Shelter in Place Policy. 🙏 Our lives depend on it.
As I closed the day sitting in a pool of sunshine I was reminded of this.
“Stay afraid, but do it anyway. What’s important is the action. You don’t have to wait to be confident. Just do it and eventually, the confidence will follow.”
– Carrie Fisher
Wash your hands, wear your mask, social distance, be kind to one another and survive (physically and economically) to build a better world. ❤️