Butterflies and Sound Bytes




This time tomorrow I’ll have swam, biked and ran my butt off. Yikes!

The butterflies have taken up residence deep in my belly, and probably won’t leave until my feet hit the water and they blow the whistle.

I’m gearing up today so I decided to take the boys to school and spend a nice quiet morning sipping coffee and blogging. I NEVER get to do that. Plus it takes my mind off tomorrow.

Honestly, I don’t think I’d be so nervous if it was in IC, but since it’s in the QC I’m going in the night before so I can wake up bright and early at 3:30 a.m. to head to the race. Blech…Yeah, and if it started at 10 a.m. that would be better too.

Ok, Ok…I’ll stop, but one last thing before I give you this Week’s Sound Bites. THANK YOU to all my bloggie friends for the “Good Lucks” and “You can Do Its.” It means so much to me, so fist pump to you all and I’ll be sure to make you proud tomorrow.

On to this week’s Sound Bites.

3. “At the club just woke up doin’ my own thing.”
E just loves Beyonce.

2. “Run mom it’s a milk flood.”
For those of you without little ones a milk flood occurs when the baby throws their sippy across the room and it pops open creating a MILK FLOOD! I was going to take a photo to illustrate, but it seemed ridiculous to take pictures instead of cleaning it up.

And the number one sound bite of the week is …

1. “Mom I can eat yogurt every day because it’s good for my tummy and gives me lots of protein.”
Once in a while we have “a ha” moments when E finally gets it, and this is one of them. Now if only I could learn to like yogurt.

There you have it this week’s Sound Bites with a side of Butterflies.

Thanks again for the encouragement and I’ll fill you in Sunday…hopefully I’ll have some race pictures too. 

Have a great weekend!

One thought on “Butterflies and Sound Bytes

  1. >i'm wishing you a GREAT race tomorrow!!! i'm proud of you — way to go to endure this whole race thang!! can't wait to hear how it goes and to see finish line pics 🙂

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