End of Summer: Sound Bytes of the Week

So this is it the last Friday of summer.

I know, I know September is still summer-like, but school has started and Labor Day is a week away. Oh, and pre-game football has started (which to me is the first sign of Fall). There I said it the F-word…actually both F-words.

Well, since this is our last summer hurrah. I will delay the wait no longer and give you the SOUND BYTES OF THE WEEEEEEK!

3. “You’ve got moves like Jagger.”
Some guy totally said this to his girlfriend while she was picking out apples at Fareway. HA! Seriously, I like this song, but it does give me an ear worm once I hear it.

2. “Change doesn’t come easily, but any butterfly will tell you — it’s worth it.”
WOW! For some reason this totally hit me. Maybe it’s because butterflies have a special place in my heart or maybe it’s because I see so many people resist change and in turn see them missing out on wonderful things.

1. “So the farmers squeeze the cow’s butt and milk comes out into the pail and they pour the milk in the glass and we drink it.”
Perhaps E needs to visit a farm so he can tell the difference between a cow’s butt and a cow’s udder. When we tried to explain what an udder was he thought we said “butter” … go figure. HA!

So now it’s your turn. Don’t worry you only need one Sound Byte, only one. I’m sure the munchkins said something funny this week, or maybe the hubby, heck even someone at the grocery store. I’ll take ANYTHING. So, link up your blog, make a comment or post something on Facebook.


I’ll see you in the Fall, but until then make sure you soak up every last drop of summer.

Have a Fantastic Weekend!

2 thoughts on “End of Summer: Sound Bytes of the Week

  1. >Here's one from my five-year-old niece, who did not enjoy a recent visit to a Wisconsin winery.

    Her dad: "You like grapes, and you like farms. A winery is just a farm for grapes. A grape farm."
    K:"Well, I DO like grapes, and farms. I guess I like a grape farm, but not a winery."
    Then she thought for a minute before offering;
    "I like Ham, so, I think I would like a Ham-ery!"

  2. >hehehe! oh the many and varied conversations that flow from cows and their milk. 🙂 Hope your weekend was awesome!

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