A {Hair Raising} Sound Bytes of the Week


I’m so glad it’s Friday. This week, even with it’s gorgeous weather, kind of beat me down. I’ve been having a tough time at work, which means more stress, which leads to edginess, which leads to the crankies and everything in between.

Which then leads me straight to my stylist for a little beautification. So I will be getting a pedi and my hair and … the ultimate decision should cut or keep.

Cut it Short?
Keep it Long?

I’ve chopped my hair off during every visit and typically that’s how I wear my hair. But this last time I thought I’d try and grow it out a bit, and people have said they like. So what do ya think cut or keep? I’ll let you know how it turns out during coffee on Tuesday.

Since we are on the topic of hair, let’s get to this week’s HAIR RAISING Sound Bytes of the Week.

3. “What’s your tummy saying does it have a story for us?”
B2 said this to me the other night while we were watching TV. It was one of the rare moments when it was perfectly silent and then all of a sudden my stomach made this weird noise and was done. My body is so odd.

2. “I think you’ve missed your window of tattoo ability.”
WTW…seriously? Because my 40th birthday is coming up and I think the small of my back is demanding a butterfly tramp stamp. Oh…yes it will happen.

1. “T-Rex (ROAR) I’m a Tyrannosaurus I’m the biggest carnivore In the Cretaceous Forest. Gonna romp and stomp around The biggest dinosaur in town A-roarin’ round the forest Tyrannosaurus Rex!”
You know you’ve been watching too much Dinosaur Train when your hubs randomly starts singing this during dinner.

Now it’s your turn. What did you start singing during dinner?

Do you have any hair raising adventures in store for the weekend?

E said he just wanted to hang out in his PJs and be lazy … hmmm … BIG surprise.

4 thoughts on “A {Hair Raising} Sound Bytes of the Week

  1. >i think i like it long — that's my vote!! also, you are so getting a tattoo …. there is still plenty of tat time!! i need to put my soundbytes in, too : )

  2. >Lots planned for this weekend, I will be blogging about it next week so won't ruin any surprises 🙂

    I think you should get the tattoo done, you only live once after all. Keep your hair long, i like it long 🙂 x x x x

  3. >I love the batman jammies!! I keep my hair long because my husband likes it long..I know boring and old fashion, but oh well, works for us.
    I am your newest follower..pls follow back if you can.

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