Take Me Back in Time

In my life I’ve made A LOT of mistakes.
Like flunking out of college.

Not asking for an episotomy.


This Saturday.

In a moment of frustration I said something, and once the words fell from my lips I regretted them. I wanted to immediately run after them, scoop them up in a butterfly net and shove them back in my mouth.

But they were out there and he heard them.

In a flash I ruined an entire day. One that should have been filled with fun and joy.

I turned my smile into a frown, and pitched a temper tantrum to rival my two year old.

But the worst, the absolute worst part is that in my whirl wind of fury I squashed a dream.

Yep, with three words I stole a dream and now things just aren’t the same. Feelings have been hurt and hearts have been broken.

I can never express how sorry I am, but I can tell you this if I could go back in time and change ONLY ONE of the above mistakes, I’d pick Saturday. Because the other two hurt only me, but Saturday hurt you and I NEVER meant to do that.

So I’m on a mission to find Doc Brown, and fire up my flux capacitor, because I’m going to GO BACK IN TIME, and fix it all.

So we can keep the dream alive and drive off into the sunset together.

2 thoughts on “Take Me Back in Time

  1. >Oh darling! I'm so sorry. I hope that you can do something to make up for the hurt you have caused. I have known moments like those, with guilt and shame and it does hurt them, but it still hurts you, too.

    HUGS and prayers for guidance.


  2. Sometimes we do that; we say something that we didn’t really mean to say … or wouldn’t have said had we known their weight. Hugs, prayers for guidance and healing.

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