Last week in pictures.
1. G watching big brother on the rides at City Park. He sooo wanted to join in the fun.
2. H holding a locust. She actually picked it up and E refused to even look at it.
3. Watching the planes take off during the fly-in at the airport.
4. My black and gold toenails…have to show my Hawkeye spirit.
5. E’s collection of acorns.
6. B2 washing dad’s truck, and all the while I could feel dad smiling.
7. G loves our kitties unfortunately they don’t feel the same way…so we must look from a distance.
8. Taking a spin on the carousel. B2 had G’s giraffe in his back pocket and the whole time G kept pointing at it.
9. G checking out the fire truck.
10. My feeble attempt at a self portrait with E.
11. The White Sox and Buzz Lightyear, E’s two favorite things.
12. E cuddled up in his towel after dip in the pool.
13. H helping E ride his bicycle.
14. Hanging out in the backyard.
15. The porsche B2 dreams about.
16. G’s oh face.
So what did you do last week? Or this weekend?