Insta-Life Love

Insta Love



As I mentioned in Friday’s post, it’s been a busy crazy week. But these boys are my sunrise every day. I live and breathe for them, and Fan Dad {who doesn’t like his photo taken} With these three in my life I’m guaranteed to suffocate from farts, need ear plugs from all the happy loud and be doinked on the nose, and tackled from hugs.


And best of all be filled with LOVE.

Insta-Life: Winter Wonderland




It’s official winter is here.


I wasn’t ready, and when I saw the snow Monday morning I tweeted some harsh words, and swore a bit under my breath. My eldest had the same reaction “I want to punch it in the face,” he said as he peered out his bedroom window. Yeah, I second that emotion. Especially after I spent 45 minutes turning the house inside out looking for snow boots that I could have swore were in the bottom of closet in June.


On Saturday, I braved Wal-Mart and stocked us up on winter gear. Hats, gloves, snow pants and boots, and this morning as we stepped outside into 2 inches of fresh powder my loathing switched to love as I admired the peaceful landscape and witnessed Little Red’s first snow angel.


Winter IS officially here and now I’m officially ready.

Insta-Life: A Whole New World

New World

This week I’ve been residing in a whole new world.


New faces, names, jobs and lifestyle. I’m walking to work, and spending more time downtown. Life has become more like an episode of Silicon Valley and less like the movie Cocoon.


All joking aside, I’m enjoying my new adventure, and can’t wait to see what each day holds.


Are you curious too? Follow me on Instagram and get all deets.