A {Cheating} Virtual Coffee

Ok, so I’m a cheater…because I’m writing my virtual coffee on Monday night. Sorry, but I have no choice. I’m going to be in training again all day and I know I’ll be wiped out afterward. I’m still not sure how just sitting for eight hours and listening makes me so VERY tired, but it does.

If we were really meeting for coffee I’d tell you that I hope to be holding a yummy caramel latte in my hand, but then again I’m writing this a day ahead. What will most likely happen is I’ll be running late and miss the latte entirely. Story of my life.

I’d tell you I was pretty bummed about missing my boys’ stay home day yesterday. My mom was nice enough to watch them for us, and it sounds like they had a BLAST. One of the MANY benefits of living closer —a free babysitter quality time with the grandkids. Did your kids have the day off?

Then I would tell you about today’s training. Our retirement community is participating in a pilot project for Advance Care Planning. Basically, the state of Iowa is creating an initiative to replace the standard Advanced Directives / Power of Attorney forms with a more in depth form that delves deeper into your wishes should something happen to incapacitate you. Probably not the feel good topic of the year, but one we must all address at one point in time. Do you have a will or anything? I keep telling B2 that we need to make one, but we just keep putting it off…add it to the To Do List.

Of course I’d have to ask you about your weekend. What did you do? Who did you see? On Saturday I met my friend Ashli and we signed up for one leg of RAGBRAI. It’s only 40-ish miles, so we should be fine. One of these years {after I’ve retired and can spare a week of my life} I’ll do the whole thing, but for now baby steps.

And then my Mother in Law came for a visit. Which, can sometimes be stressful. However, this time perhaps due to my horrific cold I just rolled with it, and the visit wasn’t half bad. She entertained the boys while I spent quality time on Pinterest looking up ideas for the boy’s upcoming birthdays.

Well, that’s all from here. As you are reading this I’m probably knee deep in case studies and conversations about CPR and funerals {exciting stuff}.

Thanks for coffee and don’t forget to stop by Amy’s, and join in the conversation. Make it a good one peeps.

2 thoughts on “A {Cheating} Virtual Coffee

  1. >Wow your Tuesday sounds inetersting, I can see now why you had your coffee a day early, I'd be shattered after a day of listening to that too. Hope you are feeling better x x x x x

  2. >Ooph, your Tuesday sounds like a heavy day. Hope you survived it okay!

    And that bike ride sure does sound intense. Even that first leg of it does sound like a lot of miles!

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