A {Rambling} Virtual Coffee

Good morning…I’m munching on my Frosted Mini Wheats and enjoying my 15 minutes of silence as the big boy transports the little boys to school.


Let’s just sit shall we and cherish is for one more minute.

Ok, now let’s chat.

If we were really meeting for coffee today, I’d tell you that I’m nervous. See, I’m going to BloggyBootcamp in St Louis, and I’m going alone! It’s not so much the travel, or the conference itself. It’s the downtime. I’ve never been to St. Louis {crazy right} and I REALLY, REALLY want to see the arch and get a photo from the top, but…I’d have to go by myself. Is that weird? Will people look at me pathetically like who’s the lonely girl at the top of the arch? Ok…talk me down, talk me down…”the worries” are getting the best of me. Must. Not. Care. What. Others. Think.

Anyway, it’s my first conference and I was wondering what to bring. I read somewhere that I should have business cards with my name and blog on it so I can network, but didn’t want to seem too CRAZY. What are your thoughts?

Ok change of subject, because you knew it would happen right? Our conversation would have to turn to the weather. But it’s good. REALLY good. It’s supposed to be 61 today. Which means I’m breaking out the running shoes over lunch. Ironically, there’s still an ample amount of white stuff leftover from Sunday’s mini blizzard or as I like to call it our last hurrah.

In anticipation of the warmer temps B2 has offered to grill burgers this week…Yippee!!! Spring is right around the corner. I can feel it.

Have you seen the Lorax yet? We did make the movie on Sunday and it was SO MUCH FUN! E loved the movie and wore his Once-ler gloves through the whole thing. I’ve read some reviews that ripped on the stereotypes and political messages portrayed. GAH! Seriously can’t we just watch a movie and enjoy it without over thinking it? And isn’t the ULTIMATE message about not abusing nature…and that’s kind of a no brainer right? Sorry stepping off soapbox now …

I think the BEST part of the whole movie was how excited all the kids were. They were cheering and dancing and laughing. Nothing fills the heart with more joy than children’s laughter.

Well, my 15 minutes are up. Gotta head to work.

Don’t forget to head over to Amy’s and linger over coffee. If I didn’t have to work I’d linger EVERY day.

Have a good one and thanks for coffee!

4 thoughts on “A {Rambling} Virtual Coffee

  1. >You could alwys get some crads and then give them to people if they give you theirs. I'm sure there will e other people there who have never been to St Louis either and I know if I were to go the first place I would be headed for is the big arch to get a photo so I'm sure you will meet someone to go with. It will all be fine, I'm sure of it.

    I can picture it now, there will soon be music videos being released with you rocking it in the club at the top of the arch ha ha ha x x x x x

  2. >I'm sure no one is going to look at you funny for being on your own. And I'm sure you'll meet a bunch of people there so you'll be just fine! If you have time to have some cards made, it'd probably be good to have some on hand. Certainly better than having to write it down a billion times and tearing it off a scrap piece of paper. Have a blast!!

  3. >i'm sure you'll LOVE the bootcamp – it looks and sounds fun! and you'll soon find someone to connect with – may even a blogger you already 'know'!!
    i'm not a great 'here's my card' person, but put a little pad and pen in your bag, and you can always swap blog addresses with anyone you meet…
    and if you still feel anxious, just breathe deeply and imagine we from virtual coffee are with you – we will be in spirit 🙂 xx

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