Guest Blogger: Little Red

Greetings grown-up humans.

My mom has asked me to be a guest blogger today.
After 30 solid days of blogging she’s acting like me without a nap…I keep trying to give her my paci, but she won’t take it.
I’ve been waiting for this day, seriously. Everytime mom gets out the laptop and starts working I run over and tell her I want to write too, but she just tells me to play with a Matchbox car or my Little People. So lame. I want to write. I have things to say you know, and finally today is my chance.
First of all I need to address the issue of my big bro. He’s cool and I dig him, but he’s a little too lovey dovey for me. He like hugs me ALL the time. I know he loves me, but he’s totally up in my grill. Back off dude I’ll hug ya when I’m in the mood.
And what’s the story with baths? Don’t get me wrong I LOVE ‘em. I just want to know why once I’ve finally gotten warm and I have all my favorite toys, mom just scrubs me up and sends me on my way. UGH! Seriously! If I could grow gills and live in the water I TOTALLY would. Rumor has it that at mom’s work they have a pool…a POOL dude. One that you can use year around…trust me I’ll be making that trip soon.
I’m starting so say words, but the ‘rents don’t understand some of them. They understand the “simple” ones like no, yeah, mama, dada, but that’s it! Once I think they understood when I said “Go Hawkeyes” but I’m not sure. Sometimes I wonder about them {seriously} I think they are a little slow, like I’m not sure if they have gone to a cool school like I do, but really who doesn’t understand “ehehehehehighoghoi”.
Over all the ‘rents are pretty cool {with the exception of the tub thing and not understanding a single word I say}. They read my favorite books – “Little Blue Truck” and “Goodnight Gorilla” before I go to bed. Dad even does funny voices. HILARIOUS!
After reading “Goodnight Gorilla” I like to do my gorilla impression and climb, climb, climb. Once I climbed from the floor onto the couch and then on the armrest of the couch and up on the bar in the kitchen. My mom was so proud of me; she put me back on the ground so I could do it again, and again, and again. After a while, she must have thought I was tired and needed a break, because she put me in my crib for a minute or two.
Speaking of tired, doing this blog thing does wear you out. So I’m off to watch my aquarium in bed and snuggle with my kitty.
Ciao –
Little Red {aka G}

4 thoughts on “Guest Blogger: Little Red

  1. >Hey G, great post, maybe this could be a monthly thing? Sounds like things are pretty hectic with you, your a real busy kid, I'm sure there will become a time that G will back off so I'd make the most of the love while you can 🙂 Catch you later little dude x x x x

  2. >I love it! He inherited mama's talent for writing! He should definitely become a regular "guest blogger." If you take requests, try to get one of the cats to do an entry some day 🙂

  3. >This is the cutest post– I love it!! You are too funny. Now you'll have to do one from Big Bros perspective. Little Red is adorable– great photos! Thanks for making me smile :0) Have a great weekend!

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