A {Five} Sound Bytes of the Week

This week’s Sound Bytes are brought to you by the number 5.

Because tomorrow E is turning 5..whew!

Honestly I’m not sure I can handle it. Yesterday was kindergarten round up, and yes I was the crazy mom with the camera.  I even started to tear up a bit when I let him go off on his own with the teacher. Oh, boy am I in for it this fall.

Then as we were walking across the street he refused to hold my hand because he’s a big boy and he’s going to be 5. WTW.

No. No. No. This can’t be happening. I haven’t aged a day how on earth can he be 5 already?

Well, since we are having a big celebration tomorrow {and I will probably tear up at some point}. I took today off to prep and plan. I have a VERY long list to accomplish, which always happens when I schedule a day off. Hopefully, I can get the majority of it done, but we’ll see. With B2 being gone to his annual Wookie Watching {aka Comic Book Convention} it might be hard as a solo act.Since I’m in a celebratory mood, and since we’ve hit a big milestone. I’ve decided to offer up the 5 best Sound Bytes of the Week, by E.5. “I have my bum force field on.”
For your information, you need to turn on your bum force field when you go over those big bumps that take your tummy away and tickle your bum.

4. “Yeah. My toothpaste farted.”
B2 and I about busted a gut when we heard that one…good grief. In his defense though it really did make a farting noise.

3. “I can’t sleep because the toots keep fooling me.”
It’s fine if the toots fool you just don’t let the poops fool ya.

2. “Knock Knock.”
“Who’s There.”
“Stinky Underwear.”

Oh, the humor of a four year old boy. I believe armpit farts and boob jokes are next.

1. “Jumpy the squirrel is in my pants and I’m gonna give him my nuts.”
We joked with E that he had ants in his pants, and he said no he had a squirrel and it just snowballed from there. B2 and I laughed so hard we cried.

Are you noticing a theme with this Top 5 list. I have to say that E, without even knowing it, has cornered the market on boy humor. Oh, if this is a sign of things to come, I’d say I’m doomed. Yowza.

What Sound Bytes do you have up your sleeve this week?

I am officially off to run my million errands, bake some cupcakes and try to get a run in before I have to pick up the boys. Wish me luck.
Here’s a high 5 to milestones, and a great weekend.


2 thoughts on “A {Five} Sound Bytes of the Week

  1. >AH, boys! I think I might have been spared a little of this in the early years because we lived in France, so he didn't get the American vernacular…wonder what he was joking about in French that I didn't quite catch??!! I love that you have a record of this – so so special! Happy Birthday Weekend!!

  2. >Oh bless him, these made me chuckle. Got to love a bit of boy humour every once in a while 🙂 Hope he had a lovely birthday x x x x

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