Acceptance: I Heart Faces Challenge

Acceptance, the ability to receive something that was offered. In this case a big fat smooch.

Our cats Spooky and Scully (yes we are X-File fans), have learned the fine art of acceptance after four years and two crazy boys.
We were worried how they would react to kids. Our oldest cat Spooky is basically the equivalent of an only child, so acceptance was hard for him. Scully, the youngest (pictured below) is terrified of sudden movements, and crying babies.
But after two years, both cats eventually learned the boys weren’t so bad after all.
A lesson in acceptance…courtesy of two balls of fluff.
If only the rest of the world could follow suit.
Check out more pet photos at the I Heart Faces Challenge.

5 thoughts on “Acceptance: I Heart Faces Challenge

  1. >priceless and adorable! that looks like an intense kiss to me :). our oldest cat does not care for our boys and stays very far away (i need to read her this post). cute that the tiger's face is in the photo, too!

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