An Early Edition of Sound Bytes of the Week

Good Evening Everyone!

I’m doing an early edition Sound Bites of the Week, because tomorrow I will be posting something special. I don’t believe in posting twice in one day (a little overkill if you ask me). So, that’s the excuse for the early post.

Ok on with the show…

This week little people gave me a lot of sound bites, unfortunately my memory betrays me so these are the ones I remember.

3. “When I’m older, and girl and a mom I’ll eat protein bars like you, but I’m a boy so I have to wait awhile.”
E you’ll be waiting a VERY long time if you want to be a girl. However, when you get older you can eat all the protein bars you like, but I’ll warn you…they aren’t as good as they look.

2. “Hazel, hazel, hazel. The color of my eyes are hazel. Great mom now I have hazel in my head.”

Yes, baby you have purtiest hazel eyes ever.
Photo by Mebraldy Photography

And the number one sound bite of the week goes to our friend’s son who has huge opinions on kissing…

1. “I love this movie, but the kissing is gross. Especially, kissing in the rain. Why would you kiss in the rain?”
Oh, young man you have much to learn about girls. As he sat staring at the TV in disgust, I was swooning dreaming that my prince charming would sweep me off my feet and plant a smooch on me in the rain. Instead I got a smooch in the kitchen while making dinner by my real prince charming…I’ll take it.

So, there they are a little early, but hopefully giving you a giggle or two.

Happy Friday Eve…I don’t know about you, but I’m definitely workin’ for the weekend!

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