Welcome to CRAZY TOWN: A Day in My Life

When Sarah at This Heavenly Life said she was going to link up at Rebekah’s for a Day in the Life, I was so excited. I’ve wanted to this for a LONG time.

So many times we read blogs and Facebook posts and only get the highlights of a person’s life, which isn’t the FULL picture. I never want someone to think I’m perfect based on a blog post or Facebook update. So, here’s a glimpse of what REALLY goes on in my life. Hopefully you will see it’s anything but perfect, and that’s just the way I like it. Because as I’ve said MANY times before perfect is boring, and real…well…that’s exciting.

Let’s get started…

On the average my alarm awakens me at 5 a.m. EVERY morning, even on the weekends {thanks to the internal alarm clock}. I hop in the car and head to the gym. Some days Farrell’s and other days Pilates…this was a Pilates day.

Then I ZOOM home {although NOT too fast of course}

Hop in the shower with the assorted sharks, cars, trucks.

Then I zoom to school with the boys…Have you noticed I zoom alot. I think the only time I moved slowly this morning was during Pilates.

Finally! Whew! Made it to work. 8:40 a.m. {ugh…late}

FYI In between these two photos I had three cell phone conversations…One asking B2 to bring my contacts to work, one from school saying G was out of diapers and another call to B2 telling him to take diapers to school. Welcome to CRAZY TOWN.

10 a.m. snack and breakfast. Yep no time for breakfast {at least for me}.
More work and making phone calls…Trying to fill apartments at my retirement community. FYI if you know of someone 55 and over looking for Independent Retirement living in Iowa PLEASE send them my way {insert shamless plug}
NOON = LUNCH TIME!!! And blogging break. If you read my blog often enough you will realize that many a blog post is written during my lunch break.
Entering minutes for my team’s Live Healthy Iowa 100 Day Challenge. Hopefully we win catered lunch…cross your fingers.
B2 remembers to bring my contacts. Hurrah.
Took a small break to print the Tough Mudder Workout. Next year this is my goal.
Random office shots. Trust me work isn’t that exciting.
Time to go. Hurrah.
Zooming to Farrell’s for kickboxing.
Workout done!
I didn’t make it home in time for dinner, but I did make it for bath time.
Bedtime stories.
Sleep tight!
Cuddle time with my favorite leg warmer.
Sweet dreams peeps and thanks for visiting CRAZY TOWN.

3 thoughts on “Welcome to CRAZY TOWN: A Day in My Life

  1. >love the snapshots of your day!!! a fine time in crazy town!! yes, please don't get pulled over anymore : ) mrs. zoom.

  2. >Working out twice in one day will probably NEVER be part of a day in the life of Rebekah post!! Go you!

    Thanks for sharing your day.

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