A {Super Quicky} Virtual Coffee

Welcome all…it’s time for coffee or in my case some water and LOTS of it.

Our water cooler at work has been empty for three days now and I’m a tad dehydrated, so I end up going home with a minor headache every evening and guzzling gallons of water. By now you’re probably saying ok dummy just go to the tap and get some, well…the water here is YUCK!! Like it tastes like dirt and it takes all my being to drink it. Plus, I figure if it tastes that way then I’m putting something in this body {you know the temple} that isn’t very good. Ya know…

Can I digress even further. Probably not as I can’t stick around long.

I MUST pick up a rotisserie chicken for dinner, some Valentine’s Day wrapping paper and some coffee for a gift all before the troops beat me home. Just saying all that makes me tired. Plus…I’d like to swim for at least a half hour, but…that might have to wait till Thursday. We’ll see.

So, how was your weekend?

Not much from us. I again made my annual pilgrimage to Target and I FINALLY was able to get my hands on some Quinoa so I could see what all the fuss is about. Have you tried it yet? Do you have a super awesome recipe you would like to share? No really I need a recipe I have no idea what to do with this stuff.

On Sunday we spent the evening with friends watching the Super Bowl commercials. I didn’t really have a FAVORITE commercial this year. As a marketer I was a little disappointed that all the commericals were either for cars or beer. BORING…oh and naked girls. Good grief…

I have to say I’m SO glad that the Giants won, because I can’t stand Tom Brady and Gisele those two are CRAZY {imagine finger circling side of head}

Anyway, this is anything, but a quicky Virtual Coffee. So I will end here and let you take over. Please tell me about your day or week. Tell me if you watched the game or not and if you too hate Tom Brady. And PLEASE tell me what to do with Quinoa.

Ok gotta jet. Have a GREAT week and thanks for coffee. Don’t forget to head over to Amy’s and see what’s brewing.

BTW – I apologize for not making the rounds as often as I should, BUT I do read all my comments and I WILL email you back. Just so you know I do care. XOXOXO

3 thoughts on “A {Super Quicky} Virtual Coffee

  1. >Im afraid that I dont understand American football so didnt watch the Superbowl even though it was broadcast live here in the UK.

    This weekend we celebrated our wedding anniversary by going for a long walk in the snow!


  2. >Our weekend was good. We went camping with a big group of friends out by some natural hot springs. Except my hubby stayed out drinking in the hot springs with our friends until FOUR THIRTY A.M. and promptly got sick (and covered in mosquito bites). And, he's a good man, my hubby is, but he is a BEAR to deal with when he's not feeling well. And plus now he got me sick too. Which sucks. And now I have to pay for his stupidity too. No I'm not bitter.

    Anyway…here's a recipe for quinoa you might like: http://jadekeller.com/2010/04/quinoa-a-la-quixote/ Hope you like it!

  3. >Would you believe that I haul my water in to work every day? All true. Speaking of, I was working during the superbowl. No matter. I've decided that after 40 years of trying to hide it, it's OK to admit that there is pretty much nothing on this planet that could possibly move me to care about football 😉

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