Quitting: The Awakening

“Could you come into my office,” she said sternly. “I think we have a miscommunication.”

Grrrr! I hated it when she called me into her office. My stomach turned, and knotted. I reluctantly followed her.

The door clicked shut behind us. As I sat down and listened to her berate me, my blood boiled and finally I said it, the words that changed my life… “You know what consider this my two weeks notice,” I said just as sternly back at her.

“Good,” she curtly replied.


Did she just say good?


Thank you for affirming my decision.

I immediately walked into my office and called B2. “I did it,” I said with fear and giddiness in my voice.

B2 was not surprised. My life had been turned upside down by this job. I worked from 7:30 in the morning till 6 in the evening barely seeing him or E who was one at the time.

After the adrenaline wore off, a myriad of emotions raced through me.

Worry. Sadness. Anger.


Shear relief at not having to worry EVERYDAY whether she would go off on me again.

The next morning after I quit my job, I laid in bed feeling refreshed.

Life, while uncertain, felt happier, brighter.

This pivotal moment was the beginning of my awakening.

Quitting led me to another job, one that I LOVE and allows me the flexibility to be with my family.

It led me to birth a wonderful little redheaded boy.

It led me to be at my father’s side while he died.

It led me to blogging, and finding my village.

It led me to finding my inner athlete and competing in triathlons.

It led me to rediscovering my confidence and voice as a true writer.

None of this would have happened had I not responded to the subconscious pull to awaken my soul from that nightmare.

Sometimes quitting can be a good thing.

When it awakens a life left dormant.


This piece is a product of our Bigger Picture Blogs Writing Circles, where writers come together virtually to share a work and then offer encouragement while giving constructive criticism while applying benevolent pressure to others in the circle.

21 thoughts on “Quitting: The Awakening

  1. Whoa, crazy! What a moment! I’m so glad it ended up being the best decision ever – and yes, I agree. Sometimes leaving is the biggest, most important thing you can do for yourself. Love this story! Thanks for sharing it.

  2. I had a similar situation recently happen to me and I’ve never felt more at ease, more alive in my entire life. At that very moment I did experience similar feelings as it sounds you did (worry. sadness. anger) & at the same time even some fear of the unknown. The next morning I woke up feeling refreshed. I now have the energy that was lacking from that person sucking it from me day-in & day-out. I feel amazing. I can focus on what I love doing, focus on my health and my future family. I totally love this blog-I was there, I am there & I can relate! XOXO!

    1. So glad that you were able to be a quitter too 🙂 It’s amazing how much better you can feel when you purge all that negativity from your life.

  3. Wow – I know it has been said already but it is the first word that explains how I feel about this post. Truly amazing. You are such an inspirational woman and I love you. Good for you for quitting your job, it sounded like a nightmare anyway and life is way to short for that. I so hope that you feel much better for doing this. Already it sounds as though you do. Good for you chick. You have no idea how inspired I feel after reading this. My day was looking pretty glum but now I’m on a high, thank you x x x x

  4. Awesome for you! I totally get it. It took me 2 1/2 years to get up the guts to quit my last job because – how do you quit a job in this economy where I’m being overpaid beyond belief? But in the end, the stress wasn’t worth it, and I’m much happier now. I’m so glad it worked for you.

    Personally? I prefer to think of it as “moving on.”
    Michelle recently posted..All I Want For Christmas (In July) Is My Two Front TeethMy Profile

    1. Yeah…In this economy it’s hard to make a decision to leave a job, but as I got older and started a family I realized that my priorities had changed. Sometimes you sanity and family is more important that money 🙂

      And yes….I like that “moving on”

  5. Funny I had a similar experience that led me to leave the office and go after my own dreams on my own terms. Although it hasn’t even been a year yet I am much more happy and have been able to spend a lot more time with my immediate and extended family. I wish I would have done it sooner.
    Amanda recently posted..Moroccan Chicken and Rice SoupMy Profile

    1. You know that was the first thing I thought after I quit…why didn’t I do it sooner, but everything happens for a reason and the time was right when I did it. Congrats to you for going after your dreams. Life is too short to be unhappy and unfulfilled.

    1. I have a friend who said that too me as well…she was scared of change and the unknown, but I told her to replace the word “change” with grow and then look at it from a different perspective. Perhaps this is your time to grow and bloom..Good luck and may you find the answer you need.

  6. Quitting can be very good! I had been a homemaker for 20+ years and went back to work full-time – to a job I already knew would be awful because I had worked there before. Two years of part-time and two years of full-time and I’d had enough. I quit. I was SO happy! I went back to being a full-time homemaker which made all of us happy. That job was so not worth it!

    Glad you took the plunge and got out of that environment. Life’s too short.
    Patty@homemakersdaily.com recently posted..13 Tips for Staying on BudgetMy Profile

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