Another day another horrible headache. I was awake most of the night and woke up a bit this morning only to go back to sleep around 10 and slept till noon. At which point I said screw it and took a mental health day.
I decorated cookies with a kid, helped a kid clean his room, chatted with a neighbor 6 feet apart outside, and took some “me” time while watching Ozark.
I’m praying these headaches are going to subside for a bit with the turn of the weather (fingers crossed)
I was supposed to have my “nose job” this month so these headaches would be gone forever. Unfortunately, a pandemic put that on hold. It’s going to be the first thing I’ll do once this is over after I get my hair done of course.
I’ve been mourning the things that have to rescheduled and postponed due to this 💩 show. My nose job, my This is My Brave Production, both boy’s birthdays, summer vacation, and more…
What events are you mourning?
Speaking of events, Easter is Sunday and we are going to make the most of it. And on Tuesday Edison turns 13 😮 I’m trying to find a creative way to celebrate 🎉
So, we close another day. Sending sweet dreams to you all without headaches or hot flashes.
Wash your hands, wear your mask, social distance, be kind to one another and survive (physically and economically) to build a better world. ❤️
It’s been a Star Wars day. This one played action figures all day while watching the movies.
So many lessons and themes that apply to our current state of events. The battle of good over evil.
Don’t let the Dark take over the Light.
It’s hard to see the light sometimes. Especially during these days of uncertainty. I look to the little moments as my guiding light through all this.
Whether it’s a day filled with action figures or just a day of laundry, every moment can shine a light through the darkness. You just need to look ❤️
“In a dark place we find ourselves, and a little more knowledge lights our way.”
Yoda, Revenge of the Sith
Wash your hands, wear your mask, social distance, be kind to one another and survive (physically and economically) to build a better world. ❤️
Sometimes my day feels like a “Choose Your Own Adventure” Book and today I chose poorly.
I didn’t work out, hell I didn’t even walk the dog 🙄 I had cookies for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I didn’t even step outside. And I sat at my computer for WAY too long.
Now I feel icky. A bit owly and antsy. Note to self you thrive better with good food, moving your body, and getting your ass outside.
So today I grant myself grace and do better tomorrow. ❤️
What adventures did you choose today?
Wash your hands, wear your mask, social distance, be kind to one another and survive (physically and economically) to build a better world. ❤️