Current Mood {Day 22}

Current mood – fuck this shit!

Ok sorry, I’ll try to be more positive.

I’m absolutely positively over this shit.

Ok, ok…here’s the deal I felt like crap today. A weather change combined with yard work gave me THE WORST sinus headache. Oh yeah and was coughing. 🙄 Having seasonal allergies during a pandemic isn’t cool.

It took me until almost 2 pm to start feeling better. I lost most of the day, and now at almost 9 pm, I’m wide awake. Gah….

It’s been a challenge to say the least.

Another challenge timing. Are you more productive in the morning or the evening?

I’m typically a morning person, but lately, that has changed. Between sleeping in and the kids needing more guidance with school work my mornings are no longer my own. I’m finding I really don’t start “working” until almost noon and then work till 5 or 6. I HATE IT. I can’t be creative, I’m always tired and I blah.

If anyone has suggestions I’m all ears.

“Tits up. Tomorrow is a new day. “

Wash your hands, wear your mask, social distance, be kind to one another and survive (physically and economically) to build a better world. ❤️

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