I forgot.
It wasn’t intentional, it was just life.
You know how it is.
The days get busier and busier, and shorter and shorter, and before I knew it an entire year had passed.
In all honesty it wasn’t that I truly forgot.
The message was still there, in the deep recesses of my too cluttered brain, right next to the grocery list, useless move star facts and my ATM code.
However, it just stayed in there.
I held it hostage.
Muted its voice
I never told its story.
But now it’s time to finish what I started a year ago.
Blow off the dust, polish it up and let it out into the world.
My #GRATITUDE40 project began shortly after I turned 39, as a big grandiose way of being mindful of those little things I take for granted. As, you can see by the lack of posts and tweets, this little nugget has barely seen the light of day since last October.
Perhaps I was hiding from it, because it seemed silly to be hashtagging and tweeting things that were just so simple and obvious. That and the reason for doing it in the first place meant I was turning the big 4-0.
Turning 40 is a big jumble of emotions.
I’m happy, sad, weirded out, nervous and just out of sorts.
This age is probably one of THE BEST times in my life. I have great friends, great family, a job, a roof over my head, our health…so many things to be grateful for, but…there’s always a but right?
I’m starting to feel OLD{er}, and this TERRIFIES me. I don’t want people to look over my coffin and say “Too bad she didn’t see how wonderful her life was. Oh well too late now.”
As I enter my birthday month and take stock of my life and priorities, it’s time to resurrect my little nugget of gratitude and start shouting it from the rooftops.
Are you with me?
It’s time to kick off #GRATITUDE40 {again}.
Ready. Set. GO!
Tell me one thing you are grateful for today?
You can snap photo, send a tweet, write a comment or post it on FB. Just make sure to add the #Gratitude40 so I can find you, and send sweet words your way.
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