A {Cheers} Sound Bytes of the Week

Twitter, twitter tweet, birds torment the cat soaking up the afternoon sun by the patio door. A breeze rustles the leaves on the trees and makes its way inside blowing bits of hair into my eyes and tickling my nose.

It’s calm, it’s cool and my body and brain have FINALLY slowed down enough so that my jumbled thoughts could be put on paper.

My posts have been sporadic to say the least. Not because I don’t have stories to tell, but because time and BS keep hindering progress.

The lack of time at work, at home and on the weekends has pushed me to my breaking point. I needed a day to BREATHE, a kid – free day where I could just rest my mind and soul. Not worry about laundry, dishes, grocery shopping, picking someone up, dropping someone off…

There are no worries today and no negativity.

No Debbie Downers to ruin my relaxation buzz.

The past couple of weeks have been a true test of mind over matter. It’s been hard to wrangle the negative and shove it out of mind. I worry A LOT about the boys, the hubs, work issues, the race, our Creative Soul event and our impending move. That’s A LOT of worry …

But worry solves nothing. In fact, all it does is waste valuable time {which I mentioned before is lacking}, and it turns me into “a grumpy pants” according to the boys in the house.


Which is why today is so very important. While my body soaks up the sun, my mind is bathed in light and I can finally see …

“The truth is the glass is always right full.

You may not be able to picture what you can’t see but only real things fill up space. And the real reality is that your glass is really right full.”  ~ Ann Voskamp

My glass is so very full…

Training is going GREAT! I’ve run SIX miles in a hour, and I used to only be able to do THREE. Only 20 more days till the race … but who’s counting.


The kiddos are happy and healthy.

Cookie Monsters

We showed our house to some potential renters and are crossing our fingers and toes that one of them will accept.

Work is work, but at least I have a job.

The Creative Soul event WILL sell tickets, because I live in the writing capital of the Midwest. {shameless plug…if you are creative and like to write, click the link and join us. We are awesome people}

And life? Well …  life is FULL and so are my many blessings.

Including the little people who crack me up and bring light into my life every day with their Sound Bytes.

3. “Oh, birdie in rain. Go home birdie, Go HOME. GO HOME BIRDIE!!! GO!!!”

G felt so bad for this bird that was sitting in the rain. He just kept yelling at, and the bird never moved.

2. “Ouch mommy you hot!”

Well, that’s what your daddy says.

1. “Only 5 more days of school mom!”

The countdown to summer has begun, and the countdown to juggling childcare. Oh, this is one of those time I wish I was a SAHM.
But, my glass is full right? Super full…no Negative Nellies up in here.

Let’s raise a glass to the weekend and say CHEERS!!!


Flower Power Interview Featuring Kim: Mom Style Files {#MSFILES}

Floral Mom Style MSFILES

Good afternoon everyone! I’m here with Kim from Kim & Mikey Got Married to talk about all things floral. She loves everything floral and some advice for those of us who may be a little nervous about showing off our Flower Power.


Kim Headshot
Name:  Kim

Blog: Kim & Mikey Got Married

Locale: Alma, Georgia

What You Do: Operations Analyst for a public health district.

Style: Polished professional with beachy and country elements for fun


Describe your style in one word:


What draws you to floral?

I am a tomboy by nature.  I grew up hating dresses, pink, and anything floral.  Even now I reach for jeans and a t-shirts over dresses and skirts.  However,as my professional career has expanded and I’ve aged, I find myself wanting to look more “girly”. In my mind, anything floral has always been girly.  I can pair a floral blouse with a great pair of jeans and instantly feel more feminine while staying true to my style.

Kim Floral Jeans


What is you favorite floral style?

I prefer floral styles that are BOLD – either in color or print or both.

How do you accessorize your floral pieces? 

Floral prints in general are bold and grab the attention of those around you. Therefore I opt for simple accessories – such as a simple silver necklace or just a pair of hoop earrings.

Kim Floral Skirt

Do you wear floral year around or just in spring and summer?

I wear floral prints year round. In the fall and winter, I tend to choose floral prints that are more graphic such as a black floral print on a white cardi.

Which is you favorite floral top or bottoms?

I am classic pear shape, so I’ve always worn floral on top. But recently, I’ve grown to love floral print dresses and skirts.

Kim Floral Dress


Many of our readers are nervous about trying out floral styles what advice would you give them?

Start small. Pair a floral shirt with your favorite pair of jeans or skirt.  Then as you grow more comfortable – go big.

Where do you shop?

I live in a small farming community so the bulk of my shopping happens online. I love Ann Taylor, Loft, and Old Navy. But some of my most treasured pieces were found at local consignment or thrift stores.

My personal style idol is…

Jackie Kennedy. (And yes, I realize the irony of this) However, she was always impeccably dressed and every inch the lady. Something I can only hope to learn.

When buying a floral pattern I look for…

This totally depends on my mood and where I want to wear the pieces. I usually wear smaller floral prints at the office and save the bold prints for the weekend.

Bright, Pastel or both?

Bright. I’m not a pastel kinda girl.

I wear floral because…

It makes me feel more girly.

Give our readers your opinion on floral shorts.

I think floral shorts when styled right can be a fab spring/summer look.

Thanks so much Kim! I absolutely love her floral dress, and totally need to find one like it. So, much inspiration.

Looking for more Flower Power inspiration, you still have a couple more weeks to complete our 3 FLOWER POWER MISSIONS. Tag myself {redheadreverie} or Melissa {pbinmyhair} on Instagram and add #MSFILES and we will feature you next week during our Mission Accomplished Flower Power Wrap Up.

A {Processing} Sound Bytes of the Week

After two weeks of going, going, going. I’ve finally found a couple moments to let my mind and body process everything that has been happening.

It’s been an emotional roller coaster, and I’m still recovering from the whiplash of the ups, downs, twists and turns.

The biggest news is that Bigger Picture Blogs is no longer.

The Thursday link-ups have ended and while we will still keep the Facebook page open, the actual blog is gone. My heart broke when I heard the news, because finding the Bigger Picture in everyday moments was like my religion. It was a way for me to stay grounded and not turn into angry, spazzy mom. I’m terrified that without my weekly reminder my children and husband might see more of her. However, I’m hopefully that I will be able to keep her at bay, because while the blog might be gone the friendships that it fostered will always remain.

Once I heard the news I did question “the meaning of it all”.

Like why should I keep blogging?

Have I already reached my peak?

Is this season of my life done?

Ironically, those close to me who always said “my plate was too full” told me not to give it up. So I’m still here typing away, and I’m now free to pursue some other blogging avenues. Like devoting more time and energy to my new gig over at the Iowa City Moms Blog. Finally find a focus for the ‘ol blog like fashion and triathlons. I also still have to share my story about E and mental illness, and how much children’s therapy is working for us. So, the stories it seems are still coming …

Speaking of stories, on Mother’s Day I was able to share my story of motherhood on the stage at the Eastern Iowa production of Listen to Your Mother. It was an experience I will remember FOREVER.

Listen to Your Mother 2013

Every little detail is burned into my brain.

Like the fact that through a weird twist of fate I was able to share the stage with a sweet new friend, who eased my nerves.

How the feeling of my heart beating out of my chest and my wobbly legs immediately dissipated after I heard the audience laugh for the first time.

That she traveled miles to see me perform my piece.

The moment after the show, when people walked up to me and said they loved my piece and it inspired them.

My heart practically burst from my chest with gratitude, and I finally felt vindicated. After all the years of being told I wasn’t a writer, I was finally being recognized as one. It was like giving all the naysayers the middle finger … finally.

On the same day I shared my story, we celebrated Mother’s Day and the day I became a mother for the second time.

My little redhead turned three. There really are no words other than I can’t believe how fast time flies, and it’s not the terrible twos it’s the terrible threes. Gah…

G 3rd Birthday

As I remark on how quickly time flies I’m reminded that in three weeks school will be out for the summer, in one month I’ll race in my triathlon, a week later we will bring Creative Soul to Iowa City, we will be moving and then I’ll head to BlogHer.

This summer is going to fly by, but I will still have priceless Sound Bytes like these to help me cherish each moment.

3. E: “Mom are there teeth in my stomach?”
    ME: “No, E there are not teeth in your stomach.”
    E: “Then how does my food get all mushy and smooshy?”
    ME: “Because there’s acid in your stomach that makes it that way.”
    E: “Oh, that’s MUCH cooler than teeth.”

My only comment is a boy’s brain is a fabulous thing. WOW!!!

2. G: “Stay home day?”
   ME: {preparing for the meltdown} “No buddy it’s a school day”
      G: Cue meltdown

Yeah, buddy I feel the same way. Totally wish there were more Stay Home days in the week.

1. G: “Hair in your nose?” {then he proceeds to stick his finger up my nose} I have hair in nose too?”

Yep, you have hair in there too. Note to self to pluck nose hairs. UGH…

Well, there are this week’s Sound Bytes. What did you hear this week?

I’m patiently waiting for the work day to end, so I can enjoy some Stay Home days. We have another busy weekend on tap – spray tan party tonight, Brick in the morning, then a trip to the QC to shop the farmer’s market with Mimi, a date night to Star Trek and Little Red’s belated bday celebration on Sunday. Whew! I’m going to need more Stay Home days…

Cake Face

Have a GREAT weekend and cherish those Stay Home days.